Our band together

Created by Vic 2 years ago

Ces was a founder member of our band The Strollers in 1961, and wanted right from the start to play bass. With the other founder members, Terry Peers, Dave Cheney Ronnie Routley and myself, we practiced and practiced, and in the space of 3 years we had become a much travelled and popular band. We travelled the length and breadth of the UK playing in a mixture of dance hall and clubs. Ces was a mainstay of the bands sound his bass playing was exactly what the band needed, he never failed to step up to whatever challange we put him to. Including one date when our singer, in the midst of a Johnny Kidd number, proceeded to sever the head off his base while whirling a sword above his head!! Ces in true style continued the best he could to complete the number, before dashing off stage to swap basses.

Such was Ces's dedication to his band and his music.

To me he was always a loyal and honest friend a true one off, and I will miss him,

God bless my old friend
